Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two Months, One Post

Sorry for missing last month's blog entry. I got swept along in all the happenings here at the house and with our family that I lost track of the time.

First, we still don't have the house at Seminole Drive yet but we are throwing everything we got at it right now. Sadly, the options have been whittled down and we're only left with a few more things left to try and then it's done and over with. Though honestly we can say that we tried our hardest to secure the place for our families and can walk away feeling emotionally in the clear about it. We are beginning to compile a new list of houses to start looking at next week so we can keep the momentum going on finding a place for the tribe to settle in the near future.

We took a trip to Gearhart, Oregon this month and had a freaking fantastic time with the Calohs. We arrived in Portland and stayed a night with Carol, Bill's sister and got a chance to see their new old house (long story) while she and Jay got a chance to spend time with the rest of the family especially the kids. Our dinner was at a group of gourmet food trucks which are popular in the city or so we have been told. The next morning we ate blueberry pancakes while visiting with Lydia, Carol's daughter who dropped by for breakfast. After that we headed out to OMSI for the morning.

The kids had a fabulous time wandering there for most of the day. They checked a bunch of exhibits out - an submarine that was parked in the river nearby, a Narnia exhibit with armor and costumes, and a huge hall dedicated to video games and their history. We grabbed some lunch there and Grammie Jo joined us in Portland as well as meeting up with some local friends. After lunch we hung out a little while longer then packed everyone up to head up the coast to Gearhart.

We stayed at Gearhart by the Sea for a week. Bill, Larry and I had stayed there before for two different family reunions and really enjoyed our time. In particular, staying in the Pacific Terrace section. If you look on the facilities tab then click View Facility Map - we were in number 401 so right out our back door was some grass then the beach. It was an incredible view of the sky and just open space. Everyone got to just relax and enjoy the company. The week itself passed slowly so you really could feel the time spent there and it was marvelous.

While we were there we did some berry picking (Lisa is a crazed were-bear about berries), bonfire and home made caramel corn (thanks Grammie Joe) on the beach, kite flying, jam and syrup making (thanks to Lisa), some outlet shopping, excursions to the beach itself, rode a 6 person bike around Seaside, swimming, and great home cooked dinners in the evenings. Napping and catching up on lost sleep was also an activity pursued with some vigor. All in all it was an auspicious first Big Family vacation. The kids watched a bunch of Hayao Miyazaki animated films we bought just for the trip. Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo, and My Neighbor Totoro to name a few.

We also had Pride since last I posted. We marched with the Center again this year as part of the Family Matters contingent. The kids rode bikes or in wagons while adults supervised. This year was the 1st time military personnel marched openly as their own group and while I am not a big fan of the armed forces it was uplifting to see my queer people proud and acknowledged. There were veterans and the currently enlisted, running the whole spectrum of age as well as the transgendered. It was a gift to be there for that moment and to be able to say I was there and share with others who were not.

We camped in the Children's Garden at the festival after the parade, grabbing some food from the incredible selection of vendors then watched the kids play. play and play some more. Our group got very musical this year with dancing and karaoke at a small dance floor they have set up. Hula hoops were employed to maximum effect and face painting was enjoyed. As always it was gratifying to see other families and their children in the queer space and meet up with all the other parents we know raising queerspawn in the San Diego area. Granddad Don and Pappi Michael came by and visited as well as others. It was a long and enjoyable day.

My sister was also out for a visit for about a week with her family including the newest member AJ. They stayed with us so the cousins got plenty of time to reconnect and foster their relationships to each other. My sister cooked the dinners while she was here and we all ate like gods. The woman can cook and we can eat! Her kids are sooooooo much bigger now and really coming into their own personalties and identities. We also got the chance to meet Hugo, AJ's dad since he came along for the visit. It was great to finally meet him as well. AJ was cute in that way that only a baby can be. I was happy they made the drive out from Texas to see us.

Tre was promoted to 1st grade at Birney where his class did a musical number. He got great marks all around with an advanced mark in Reading (thanks Sylvan Learning Center) and immediately following the promotion there was an outdoor picnic with food and games. He was excited to be a 1st grader and of course it also meant he was going to go to camp. Both he and Nani went to Camp Cahito this summer vacation in Balboa Park. They did archery, cooking, and survival skills while there. They come home caked in mud and dirt so they seem to be having the times of their lives. Several of their friends also attended: Nia, Nathaniel, and Gabriel were a few that were there as well.

Siddha moved to the Otters classroom at the SDSU Children's Center and made a relatively smooth transition. The room is definitely more toddler geared - the things to interact with boggles the mind. It feels like a brain growing room with adults in it. It's great to see her make friends and continue to develop her language skills. She is throwing out words left and right along with what we think our sentences but we haven't quite grasped all her vocabulary.

This summer also had swim lessons for Tre (I told you we were busy) at the Murray Callan swim school in Pacific Beach. He was there with Emma, Nathaniel and Nia. He only took one lesson to remember everything he had learned last summer and then he was off picking up new stuff like diving and different methods of swimming. It was great to hang out with the adults as well in one of those rare moments where someone else was watching our children. I think next year the Bean will be joining the swim crowd for lessons and maybe a way to get some daddy time in for her.

The last bit is the departure of Dan and Megan for their move to Portland, Oregon. We had a good bye dinner last night at Hash House with the whole family to wish them well on their new home and city. Dan got this very sweet and touching tattoo of the silhouettes of everyone in the family in chronological order that Megan drew. He unveiled it at dinner and it was beautiful. It has been awesome having them here while the kids were young and having them be a part of family traditions. I feel so confident now that the children will know and feel connected to two people I respect and admire so much. If you're in Portland let us know and we'll make introductions.

That's everything and I have learned not to skip a month because my fingers hurt. :) I have pictures from all the events mentioned above and will do my best to get them loaded up to Flickr in the near future as well as some older photos that we got scanned and preserved. Shots of us as kids and our pre-child lives. I hope everyone is well and as usual we welcome visitors!