Sunday, April 26, 2009

It Showered!

Hello all! We had the shower this last weekend and it was fabulous. First off a big and hearty thanks to the Caloh family (Lisa, Leng and the little monkey) for running/throwing the whole thing. Bill's sister Sara also helped out a great deal before and after. Lena and Jennifer were great as well with the decorating and child wrangling. It was an event for the family put on by the family so for me it was a perfect circle.

We had about 30ish people in attendance and the food was yummy. Lisa set quite the spread with some culinary assistance from a few other guests. Megan baked some incredible cakes and we had a small herd of eight children sweeping through the house. The weather was perfect, warm without being uncomfortable so we had an easy flow of people moving in and out of the home. We had the backyard all set up (thanks Mike!) with a table for people to make some flags with personal messages for the nursery. It was soothing (strange but that's how I felt) to read over them all after the shower had ended. It felt right to have them and I always find immense comfort in things feeling right.

Jennifer and Lena stayed the weekend with us here at the Zoo. It has a tremendously positive impact on Deisha. She was clearly longing for some female of color energy and anyone that knows them, knows they have it in abundance. Jen assured us that Deisha just needs some time and attention to help her get caught up with her education. She gave us some great suggestions and literally made us some tools to help her get there. It was great to see her open up and really get comfortable in her own skin. They were great with both her and Darnell.

Bill's sisters came into town for the event and it was I think a great first meeting of them and Tre. We also got the opportunity to meet Carol's new boyfriend Jay (sp?) and he seemed relaxed with himself and their relationship. Always a good sign in my book. Bill was able to get a little adult time with them and enjoyed a lovely dinner out. They seem to get along well with our other friends at the shower and that was a relief. I worried that it might be a little awkward with the various social groups we associate with but no problems as far as I could see.

Tre is still struggling with sharing the house and the daddies with two other kids but the extra adult bodies helped ease that strain considerably. It allowed us to give him a little more time with us than we've been able to in the past few weeks. He's still pretty thin skinned but I feel like it's nothing permanent and once things get back to normal he'll bounce back to where he was before.

That's all from here and we missed everyone who couldn't make it but we felt the love and will pass it along. 


Ambee said...

Yay! Pictures! I demand pictures!

The 54th Street Zoo said...

We'll get them up on Flickr in the next few days ;) There's some sort of compatibility issue with our camera and Torrey's computer, so we're working around it for the moment, but it's slower, so happens less often =P

Thanks again to everyone that came by, it was amazing to see so many people that love us and support our family all gathered together.